How do I prepare for a coaching session?

This is the second most asked question I receive.

The good news is that preparing for a coaching session isn’t hard or time-consuming! But the important news is that doing it is critical. The three things you need to do are:

  1. Remove any distractions and make sure you are in a time and space that allows you to open to possibilities.

  2. Be clear on what you want to accomplish in a session; and

  3. Complete any homework your coach has assigned to you.

Remove Distractions, Be Open for Possibilities

What is key to having a successful session is focus and the elimination of distractions.  Turn off notifications on your devices, take care of your physical needs, mark the session busy on your calendar, and let folks know you will be working on something that requires all your attention for that hour. 

Be Clear About Your Goals

Think about what you would like to go over with your coach.  Maybe it's following up on accomplishments from your last session, a new goal that you'd like to talk thru, or a life event that you'd like to walk thru with someone who listens without judgment or advice.

You set the agenda and unlike most all things, you will receive more than what you invest when it comes to coaching.

Do Your Homework

The lift between sessions is generally pretty light.  Your coach may ask you to complete an exercise such as a strengths navigator or other tool that will be used in an upcoming session.  But the coaching itself requires very little prep.  The coaching work between sessions are activities that you and your coach develop during the session that are generally part of your normal day, just done with more purpose or using a different technique to achieve an end. 

Again, none of these three things is tremendously time-consuming or hard, but it is imperative that you do them so that you can get your money’s worth out of each and every conversation with your coach. Your performance (and your wallet) will thank you!

A recent study by PwC and the International Coaching Federation reported that executives achieved seven times (7X) the return on the investment (ROI) in coaching, achieving goals and exceeding satisfaction in their work life and their life experience overall.  What’s holding you back from joining your peers?

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Dan Bartholomew, ICF-PCC, WPCC, is an Executive and Leadership Coach who helps teams and leaders navigate their careers 🛶.  With decades of experience running, building, and scaling businesses, Dan is centered on enabling individuals and teams to achieve and sustain breakthrough performance -- personally and organizationally.

As Eric Schmidt, former CEO and current strategic advisor to Google said “everyone needs a coach.”  Let’s work together to get you one!


If you don’t plan your first 90 days on the job, it will plan you!


How does coaching work?